Gain insight into your business with Infor Enterprise Performance Management

Measure past performance and forecast activities with modern dynamic EPM software.

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Infor Dynamic Enterprise Performance Management (Infor d/EPM) is an integrated business intelligence solution providing advanced business and financial performance management capabilities to power better business decisions. With seamless integration into all ERP software systems we will show how the solution can simplify, automate, provide visibility and add real value to every step in the budgeting process. 

Join us for a webinar to find out how Infor EPM helps to simplify and speed up the end-to-end reporting and budgeting process.

Date: Tuesday 27th August 2024
Time: 14:00-14:45 BST

In the webinar we will explore the following capabilities of d/EPM:

  • User-Defined Budget Templates
  • Budget Preparation
  • Submission and Approval
  • Budget Versions
  • Control and Visibility

We hope you can join us.

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