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SunSystems Cloud: A Perfect Match for Growing Organisations

Organisations need a robust financial management system (FMS) to grow successfully. They also need a modern FMS that enables them to digitally transform so they can evolve as their business requirements change. We often find that organisations are held back by their existing financial management platform and legacy solutions, and this can be for a variety...

Posted by Cameron Linnett - 07 September 2023

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8 Ways Infor ION’s Advanced Middleware Platform Facilitates Innovation

Many organisations have relied on traditional middleware platforms for years to connect different business applications and facilitate communication and data exchange between them. However, these platforms, while well-built, have weaknesses that hold back organisations from innovating and staying competitive in today's challenging business environment and...

Posted by Cameron Linnett - 09 August 2023

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Infor Recognised a Leader in the 2023 Nucleus Research SMB ERP Report

Infor has been recognised as a leader in the 2023 Nucleus Research Small and Midsize Business (SMB) ERP Technology Value Matrix Report for the second year running. Infor was one of only two vendors positioned furthest to the right in the leaders’ quadrant, indicating its high ranking for solution functionality.

Posted by Cameron Linnett - 03 August 2023

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